Your Dancing Day

Open up your doors. The round tables are open. The music and dancing are alive! You are hearing the sound of music on your life!

It is a day like no other for THIS is your dancing day! It is not for those who have left themselves out, it is for those who have chosen to come in and be blessed and spirited and refreshed. It is a day of great remarkable understanding. It is a day of great reckoning. It is a day to lean back and say, "God is amazing!" And a day to look back and see how it all came together. 

Today is a day of reckoning! Today is a day of favor! Today is a day of SALVATION FOR THOSE WHO WILL ACCEPT ME!! I am pouring out favor upon favor with flavor upon flavor! haha! Like an ice cream shop with so many flavors! So many! So many! So many! 

Today is NOT a day to be sad, sorrowful, scared or in doubt. This is NOT the day to cry pity tears. It is a day to stand up and say, "God is coming! God is here! God has made a way!!!" 

And I will do this for the WORLD, for your COUNTRY, and for your LIFE. I am touching every corner of every place. Just as I have said. Just as I have said.

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