
I hear you. I hear you when you speak. I hear you when you don't, when it's only in your mind, your every thought. And I hear the deep parts of your heart, the unspoken; the words that only a heart can speak. The words that may never find their way to the surface, the buried ones. I hear it all.

I know everything about you. I know your favorite color. I know what you like to eat. I know your routine and why you do the things you do. I know what makes you happy and I know what can make you cry. I know what is most important in your life. I know the things that you are most concerned about. I know your type of humor and what really tickles your funny bone. I know what makes you angry and sets you off. I know your preferences for all things... clothing, travel, food...

I know these things, my child, because I created you. I am the One who 'hand-carved' you. You are unique and wonderful, a one-of-a-kind. You are more than just a skeleton with flesh. You are My creation. I saw you in the womb. I hand-crafted every part of you and I infused you with all you would become. You were fully you before you even took your first breath...all your talents, all your tendencies, all your were fully you before anyone ever laid eyes on you. was the first to see you. And you are amazing. 

My child, I made you. I know you. And I deeply love all of you.

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