Steady Now

Good morning! 

Today is a beautiful day! Steady now. No need to rush ahead of Me. I'm right here. Don't let anxiety run you down the road without Me. haha I'm right here and I'm walking this out with you. I am ahead of You, always. I am with you, but My arm is always reaching ahead of you and clearing the path for you. You will never walk a day in your life without this kind of provision, for this is My promise to you! I will never leave you nor forsake you.

So come. Find the shelter that is yours. No need to stand in the rain! Let's get you well situated so you are in the right head space to do what is next. I'm not sending you with a confused mind or using anxiety as your fuel. That is not how I work. I send you out with the power of God in one hand and a cup of water in the other, for you will use both. You will display My power even as you offer refreshment, shelter, truth, mercy -- all the things found in My cup of comfort. haha Yes. Cup of comfort. You are a cup of comfort for those that will hear you. I will let it drown out their sorrows, just as I have drowned yours. Your sorrow is drowned and will never take your breath again. 

I'm leading you every step of the way. I have lead you this far. Will I not go the distance? I promise, I will.

Lean into Me today. Pull from Me, not your own strength, not your own anxiety. It is wasted time and energy to pull from any source but Me.

I love you. I will never let you down.


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