Prepping the Surprise

Hahaha! For you have NO idea the plans I have in place!
Hahaha! Try to figure it out, as you may,
but you won't know it until the day - the day when I show you,
the day we will celebrate!

Like Christmas Eve, when you shake your gift, 
you hope I remembered what's been on your wish list!
And even though you may have forgotten
And I have done My shopping!
I have sent My angels out with a loooong checklist!

Oh the fun they have had in preparing things for you!
You have no idea what's in store for you!
They've checked the list - yes checked it twice!
It's been carefully planned.
It's been well thought out. 
We all agree! It's something very nice!

You see, My darling, I have been actively working for you!
Though it seems I have forgotten or even dismissed you.
My goodness, no!
Don't listen to such lies.
You see, I just had to keep quiet
so as not to ruin the surprise!

Father, Son and Holy Spirit
are more excited than you think!
This is personal to Us!
For you are our "star baby!"
You are the one we are setting up to shine
above the earth so brightly
to give to earth such love divine!

I'm not making this up.
hahaha! Will you stop thinking this way?
hahaha! I would not lie to you, I simply won't.
If I said it, I mean it.
Now, relax My darling, 
as I open the next chapter of your book!


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