Old & New

"...Every teacher of religious law who becomes a disciple in the Kingdom of Heaven is like a homeowner who brings from his storeroom new gems of truth as well as old." Matthew 13:52 NLT

The things I have given you and you have placed in your 'home' are delicious and wonderful anytime and all the time. My 'food' stays fresh. The Word of God will never rot. It is Life and it gives Life. So don't be afraid to pull out 'old' truths! Grab onto them and give them away!

But don't despise new revelation either! For I am like a River that flows and brings daily refreshment. So look for the gems that float in the water toward you! Do you see them shimmering in the sun as they float down the river? Jump in and grab them! Reach for them! And then hold them close. Hold onto them. For they are gems that have floated down from My throne and into your sight. They are MEANT for you. So reach for them! Pursue them. And add them also to your storehouse of gems! hahaha!


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