This Is No Time to Quit

Mercy is extended to the least of all people.
Players arise and the enemy's bewildered!

Ha! He is set in a tailspin. He is knocked off his horse.
The places he thought were his are really yours! Of course!

For why would these spaces belong to him?
have risen and YOU are born again,
so you have the legal right to take back all the ground.
You have every right to bring the enemy down, down, down.

You have My full permission. So don't wait for Me on that.
Go after it like you're on a mission, 
a mission to correct course, in fact.
For the 'world is going to hell, in a ham basket' they say.
haha well it sure would seem that way!
But have BETTER things in mind for you, for your family 
better things even today!

So don't settle back in your chair like it's over.
Don't throw up your hands and declare your surrender!
Why would you give up the land and the riches?
Why would you let the enemy take what is not his
and continue to steal every bit of your possessions??

Take back with a force from the devil that stole.
He's nothing but a liar and he knows his doom is foretold.

This is a time of great reversal, when the poor become the rich.
When evil gets swallowed and thrown into the abyss. 
It does not triumph because My Bride is on the scene!
She shows up shining and wins the hearts of many! Yes, she is My queen!


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