When The Pieces Come Together

Open up to see
a world full of ME. 
A mystery revealed.
A puzzle put together.
When all the pieces align, make sense.
"Ah! ha!" you'll say, "it's perfectly been handled!"

You'll laugh as you see how I did it all,
like the end of a book when the mystery is solved!
You'll retrace your steps. You'll see each piece and shape,
and suddenly realize that each one of them has a very unique place!
I've worked it all together to bring you to this new space!

So don't give up now just because you don't see the ending.
Does one put down his book when he's still in the middle of reading?
He stays with the story. He hopes for the best,
believing that the plot will somehow twist!
He knows it will work out. He knows it just has to!
He knows that good will win again and happy endings really do come true!


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