Preparing The Field

Today is a beautiful day. A day to know that God is with us, for us. He’s not a God that pulls back from humanity, covering His eyes and wishing things would change. He’s a God of compassion which moves Him into action. (Which is why He came to earth and died on the cross. His compassion moved Him into action.)  He is a God of action.

Over the last year or so, I’ve seen Him in my mind’s eye as a Gardener coming down to plant something new in His field. But before anything new can be planted, he must turn the soil over, flip things on their heads. He must expose all that is crawling underneath. He must pull out the rocks and anything that will hinder growth. How can change happen if the soil isn’t turned first?

And so He began to turn the soil in my heart and expose the places that hinder new life, change. It doesn’t feel good. But this is what a good Father does. He shows us the places that have become stagnant and are lifeless. He shows us our mindsets that don’t line up with His. He flushes us out.

And here is the hope that we have… He doesn’t turn the soil to make us feel guilty and condemned. Heavens no! He turns the soil so new life will grow! He turns the soil because there is a new season upon us! And He is ready to pour out such a blessing on us, we won’t even believe it. But how will we receive it if our hearts are hardened and the ground is not churned?

I believe God is more present than we might think. He’s more active in what is going on in our world right now than we might believe. I think He is actively moving on the earth and turning the soil so that He can pour out new LIFE, new JOY, and great CHANGE into the earth, into our hearts. What a beautiful garden He has planned!


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