A Friend Called Laughter

Laughter is a friend - a friend that comes and makes the heart stronger, 
mending its brokenness. 
Its natural healing elements releases stress and pent-up anger. 
It has a way of soothing nerves and troubled minds. 

Laughter makes the world better and it doesn't require any compensation. 
Laughter will never come back to you and ask for payment. 
No, instead, when it visits again it will have even more to give you.
 It lavishes, not steals. 

Laughter makes good company with Fun
They run together in the streets dancing and singing with merriment! 
They are there to bring Hope in in a new way. 
They open up people's hearts to maybe, just maybe, 
believe for better things once again or for the first time at all. 
And Hope and Fun and Laughter play and dance 
until the New Day is ushered in - 
until that bright star is shining down and announces its arrival!


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