
Open. We open doors. We open food packages. We open curtains. We open gifts. We open cars. We open house doors. We open mail. We open cabinets. We open suitcases. We open stores and businesses during working hours. We open old boxes filled with decorations and the same toothpaste tube over and over again, but also open things given to us that we have never seen before. 

Open. It's one of the most common things we do everyday. Anything we want access to, we open. 

It's the same thing
in the spirit. We OPEN to it. We open our hearts and open or receive what is coming down from heaven. We open to His Word, our Manna. We open to His Voice. We open to His calling and purposes. We open to His direction. We open to His plans. We open to His strength. We open things we have opened before, but we also open things that are new to us. We hold on to what He has already given us as we simultaneously open to the new revelations He's ready to pour out. (We go deeper in the same body of water, so to speak. We go further without leaving the water He has put us in.)

We open to His leading. We open to His Love. We open and no longer hold ourselves back, but rather let ourselves fall into Him in full surrender. 

We open 

are fully satisfied.


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