
I pull from the wreckage. I pull out those stuck from the 'car accidents' of life. I am the First Responder in every situation. I am the One on the scene first to guide the hands of those that arrive later. I am the Rescuer! I am the One that takes people out of their funks and their slumbers and their agitated states. I am the One that pulls you from all these things. 

Just keep listening to Me. It is far better to stay tuning in and following than going your own way, following your own voice in your head. Who can really give you life - Me or the logic that weighs you down? Just as it is not logical for a bee to fly, so it is not logical to fly with Me. But I make what is impossible possible! That is what I do!

So, don't be weighed down any longer with your own head knowledge and schemes. How far can that take you anyway? And there's no guarantee it will lead you to anything good, like freedom and open roads. Man's ways are inferior to Mine. So keep waiting on Me to bring you up and out of the places that you are 'stuck' in. I am the Rescuer that pulls you from that quick sand and places you on solid ground. 

Delight only in Me and watch as I pull you from the wreckage!

*This blog is part of my “Speak, Lord” series. It’s meant to be taken from the angle of God directly talking to us.


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