Let The Promises In!

Open up wide to ALL My Promises. Let the Promises in! 

It is like opening a door with a river pushing up against it on the other side. Watch as My Promises flow in as soon as you begin to pull the door open. The Promises are pushing against the door and wanting to come in! There's no begging for these Promises. They are all YES and AMEN and ready to flow and be poured out upon you! This is the hour of Promise for the church, My people, My children! I'm telling you that the air is pregnant with the Promises of God! Saturated, like a humid day. 

So come and ask Me and watch how I answer! Don't be afraid to ask BIG because My Promises can handle even the biggest requests! And watch as I GUSH you into the new season like a baby comes through the womb with water. 

Watch as the river's water pressure washes so much away! The past memories that hurt so much. Physical aliments. Emotional trauma. Financial lack and places you have been raped by the enemy. Am I not able to return it in one fell swoop? My river is strong enough to wash it all away and send you flowing in a new direction! 

Watch as I come in and re-establish things in your household. I'm coming to rearrange and reposition and readjust and renew and restore and return to you what has been lost! I am the One who returns things! I return things that I find washed up on shore after a shipwreck. I return the booty! I'm a Finder and a Returner of all things lost and stolen!

Ask Me and Watch what I'll do!

*This blog is part of my “Speak, Lord” series. It’s meant to be taken from the angle of God directly talking to us.


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