Your Cup Runs Over!

Open up! Open up! Open up WIDE 
for the blessings I pour out are for YOU, my darling Bride!

I don't hold back My affection in this hour! Why would I not lavish my love and passion on My lover?

I would not pull back! NO! This is the day I give away! I'm a Husband to you and a Partner that stays!

I give not with selfish intentions at all. I wouldn't do that to the one with whom I'm enthralled! 

No! I give and I give and I can't help Myself when, I empty my chests and pour out a million! A million and one reasons to give you Myself! I give you My everything not an ounce do I keep, not an ounce to Myself. 

I GIVE! I GIVE! I can't say it enough! Why do so many think I'm looking to grab all their stuff?? I'm not here to take! That's ridiculous, My friend! If I wanted it all, I would have already taken it back then. 

The only reason I remove is to make things better. So trust Me if things shift. Trust me in this matter. How can I give you dollars when you are holding pennies? Sometimes I must remove the things that keep you from getting ALL the moneys! hahaha! 

So if you see your river run dry, or if the bird that feeds you, suddenly stops to fly (1 Kings 17)... Look up! Look up! It means I am moving! And I'm moving you to the next level that's springing! Springing up! Springing wide! Springing taller than the ocean is even wide! Do you see it? Do you perceive it? I'm working it out. And I won't ever stop until you've land safely... safely in the land I have told you about! No doubt!


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