September Rain

September rains can soothe the pains of those who have been scorched. Scorched by Summer's heat and sun, scorched by the wicked, scorched by the evil one. 

The burnt up places of people's lives are desperately needing to be revived. And Oh such a hope is possible! For the One who brings the wind can blow upon those places. They find relief from His Hand -- from power in high, high places. 

So there really is never a time to despair. Ecclesiastes makes it clear. The cure for despair is seen everywhere. Just look at the sky! Look at the earth! Things come around again, it's like a new birth! They cycle back so we can jump in and experience great joy and relief from within -- from Him! 

So don't let Summer's heat take you down for the count. Let the rain of His presence soothe. Let Him give you a new start!


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