Be Joyful As I Am Joyful!

Today is a marvelous day. 
It is filled with wonder and beauty and a wealth of treasure if you look for it. 

Smile more today. Smiling reminds your heart that you are not living in the land of drear anymore. You are not living under fear anymore. Stop looking at things from the bottom up. Look at them from the top down. The bottom of a cloud can seem dark and sad. But if you fly above the cloud and look from the top down, it no longer dictates your day and mood. You don't live under dark clouds and shadows, you live in the brilliant light of my son, Jesus. And He is shining down on you!

If joy is not for today, then when is it for? Yesterday has already gone. We can't use tomorrow's joy yet. Delight yourself in the Lord, today! Like a child having full access at a carnival or amusement park or trampoline park or arcade - they dive in and fully embrace every moment! They don't hold back their laughter and their smiles! I want my people to know that it's OK to laugh and not be so serious all the time. They think I'm a God that doesn't like fun. But then they don't know Me! I Am more a kid than they are then! I joyfully dance and sing all day long over my creation. I'm tickled as I watch the dolphins fly high into the air. I laugh heartily as I watch the hyenas play. Laughter bubbles out of Me like a brook - I can't contain my own enthusiasm for all that I have created and love! 

I'm a very excited Father and I throw Myself completely into everything I do! For I love My people! I love My creation! Don't ever lose sight of that. Don't ever label Me otherwise. 

*This blog is part of my “Speak Lord” series. It’s meant to be taken from the angle of God directly talking to us. 


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