You Will Completely Recover!

Open. And on the other side you'll see. The beauty, the splendor, the marvelous adventure that's all wrapped up in ME. 

This time on earth is not meant to be solemn. It's meant to be a celebration! For the earth has groaned and groaned for the revealing of sons and daughters -- and look! You are rising! Just look at your feathers! Rising from the east and launching high into the air. Oh daughters of mine! Oh sons divine! You are the apple of my eye and born just at the right time!

So don't beat the air as if nothing is happening! Come in close and win, win, win. Take up your swords and win to the very end!

The faces of the righteous are shining in this hour! They are laughing and knowing that I fight for them and am not going miss a single prowler. For I take the wicked and scatter them asunder! I take what is evil and turn it into wonder! Oh you'll wonder what it means when it all comes to pass. You'll shake your head and your eyes will pop -- just pop right out of your head! hahahaha!

So say it again and again and again: "The victory is Mine, and what we have lost we will completely recover!"


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