Seasons Change

Check out the PODCAST where this poem is read:

Join me there for a chat as we talk about enjoying every season of life.

The change of season shows life and death.
It reminds us of its cycle --
that nothing ever stays the same
and we can't hold on nor take it away.
It's just the way it is, 
so it's best to just embrace the change.

For, if we tried to hold onto summer
when fall is on the way,
we'd be swimming in the chilly air 
and missing football days.

And if we tried to wish away 
November and December,
we'd miss out on things
like Christmas lights and 
making memories to remember.

And if we thought that April showers
were no longer needed here,
we'd miss our flowers when May arrived,
for there was no rain to make them thrive, I fear.

So, we take each season and hold it close,
knowing one day we must let go.
But letting go means grabbing on
and so the cycle goes on and on. 



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