It's Not Over Until It's Over

Derailed isn't a forever thing. 
Falling down is just temporary. 
For when we fall we get back up.
We don't just lay there in the dust.

So why sulk and moan as if life is over?
It's not over 
until it's over.
So don't stop running just because you tripped,
or just because you tumbled from a slip.
If that's the case and that's how it is, 
no one would accomplish anything! 
No, not one bit!

And remember this!
It's not about striving.
So, when you rise don't start reviving
your own strength through your own flesh.
No! Rise up on wings like eagles and learn to rise & refresh!

Now, don't give up. Keep your eyes on the prize.
Run with Me, darling, 
and you might find yourself quite surprised!


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