Follow, Not Wallow

Follow Me. Follow. Don't wallow. 

(Wallow: to turn oneself over and over, writhe about.
Merriam-Webster Dictionary)

There is no wallowing in following. 

(Follow: to go, proceed, come after. 
Merriam-Webster Dictionary)

Following is not stationary and inward focused. Following means watching My moves and moving when I move. Like a dance class, a choreography -- the student follows the instructor. Or a painting class -- your brush strokes imitate Mine.

I will lead you. I will take you by the hand and lead you. You will feel the urge to move. You will feel My nudge and have a knowing. You will just know. You will hear Me say, "This is the way, walk ye in it."(Isaiah 30:21 KJV) And when you do, move. Move forward. Move and know that I am with You, every single step of the way. I don't send you on your own. I send you and go with you! I send My Spirit with you. I assign My angels to slash down the things in your way -- My mighty mighty warring angels! haha! They know how to fight!! And they will clear your path so well that you will feel like you are gliding, not walking, for the surface will be as smooth as glass! You will glide your way into the land! 

Follow Me!



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