A Song in the Night

Hope. Hope says, "Wait for it. For in due season it will COME!" So wait for it, darling. Like one who waits for the sunrise over the ocean in the early morning hours. Wait with anticipation. For the time will come and ALL will see the SALVATION of the Lord! 

And then many will say, "Where oh death is your sting?" For they will rise up even among the ashes. They will arise and rub their eyes, their sleepy eyes, and see for themselves the salvation of the Lord! 

And for this I send you out! For you fight the darkness, even as the world sleeps. You FIGHT the dark in the 'wee hours' just before twilight. You fight for the world with Me, even as they are unaware of the battle, that they are even in danger. I send you to fight the unseen so that they may SEE when dawn does break! You fight 'in the night' and the morning proclaims its victory! 

So do not worry about numbers and the appearance of victory. Soldiers don't always see the spoils until the dawn comes and the sun rises upon it for all to see. Just keep your eyes on Me and fight with Me. Your intercession and your sound goes deep into the enemy's camp and foils them! You are breaking ground for the Kingdom of God! You are helping to turn the soil over!

I say it again: HOPE! Wait for Me expectantly! And sing into the night, rejoicing that the dawn is about to break!

photo credit: Alane Haynes Facebook page


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