The Invitation

Wake up, world!
Wake up!
For life has just begun for you!
Come away from all your altars --
the altars you bow down to,
as if they give you anything.
There is nothing that they offer;
not a penny, not a nickel,
not a single free thing to you!

I'm presenting My case to you.
Will you come and reason with Me?
Think about the pit you're in 
and how you dug such a deep, deep thing.
Now, think about your choices
and what you can do right now.
Don't think about the past mistakes,
think about what I'm saying to you in this hour.

You're like an animal who's stuck in the mud
or one who has been caught in a thicket.
You don't know how to get yourself out.
And now you're too proud to admit it.

But I'm telling you today 
that if you look My way,
I will scoop you out and lead you out
so you start walking the righteous way.
For My way is the right way.

Do you doubt that I am God?
Do you doubt that I exist?
Think again, My friend,
for no one can dismiss
the wonders of creation
even the skies declare My glory.
The big and little of all creation 
never stop singing and telling My story!

So, listen in and you will see
that I AM REAL and I AM a reality!
I can hear you.
I can see you.
Your ways are not hidden!
But see this as a relief, My friend!
For now you know you're not alone
and this is not your end!

Take a step closer to Me and you'll see.
Take a step closer and I'll show you.
I'll show you the real Me.
Won't you join Me?


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