Plan to Be Surprised, the Apple of My Eye

Good Morning!

Today is a beautiful day and there is more in store! Yes, much more coming than you first expected. 

You thought this was the end and so it is to an extent. The end of one time and the beginning of another... you're crossing over into the new and there is hope and wonder and more to discover!

So don't fret when the plans don't come through like they do. When change is in the air, you can expect that things might not be the same as they have always been, as they have always been for you. (wink). You're expecting one thing, but what if something else flies into the scene? What if what you thought would happen next is not really how it's going to be? 

Relax and be flexible, like a doll in My hands. For surprises are sometimes seen in the change of your plans! YOU thought one thing, but MY thoughts are higher. So keep looking up and don't let your hope expire! hahaha! I'm STILL here and I'm STILL working. Don't give up on Me. I'm in this, ya know, 'for a living.' haha

Listen, the warnings are for those who keep resisting Me. They 'kick against the goads' but this is not My heart for you and your family. You are among the flock that I'm leading through the sea. You are among the chosen because you choose to follow Me. Do you see? Judgement is not for you. It is Mercy and a bright future that I have for you, so you will leave a legacy!

And don't worry about your family. I have heard your prayers, each one. And I will come through for you, my darling. For you are my darling one. 

Listen to the wind. It is calling your name. And I have written it in the sky: 

"You are MINE and the apple of My eye!"

I'm not afraid to shout it or whisper it or write all the words I feel for you, all the thoughts I have for you, even at night! I write them in the sand. I whisper them in the wind. I shout them because I can. My voice will sing over you again.

The love I had for you the day you first said "yes" is the same love I have today. Your beauty is relentless! I can't stop looking upon your lovely face. You distract Me with your beauty, everywhere, everyday. And so remember this on days you think I must not be looking your way! For I never stop, darling. I never stop gazing and loving you! How can I? You have My heart each day!

                                                       I love you -- today and everyday!


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