Let's Get To Know Each Other (Day 1)

Good morning!

Today is a beautiful day. 

Let's talk today. You and me. No, no. Don't come with any agenda. Let's just spend time together. I want to tell you more about Myself today. I want you to know Me, and not just one side of Me. I want you to get to know Me...

I am...
an old Friend. I'm the One sittin' on the porch swing with you, chatting while we kick our feet forward, then back. I'm the One telling you stories, like it's nothing at all. You listen and are mesmerized by them. You wonder how I can come up with it! You giggle as you lean into Me. We are perfectly happy and content. No matter the weather. We are content with each other.

And, I am the Good Shepherd. Has it been stated too many times? I'm driving the point home to My people. They are safe with Me. They are covered, protected. THEY ARE NOT OUT OF MY SIGHT OR MY REACH. For shepherds always keep an eye out and are never far away. And that is who I am.

And I am a Listener. I take conversations very seriously. I listen to your words. I mark down your requests...I am attentive. I follow up. I put My hand to it. Your requests stay with Me forever. Do you understand that, darling? Your words, your requests, your intercession, stays with Me forever. So don't take it lightly. Don't take prayer lightly, for I certainly don't. I take it so seriously. I talk about prayer all the time in My Word... I set up priests in the Old Testament, I highlight Moses, Elijah, David... all these men who spoke to Me, asked things of Me. And even today their prayers are being read and remembered by the people of the earth. I cherish the prayers from your lips. Never let the enemy convince you otherwise. He sees the power in it and is scared. He'll do anything to discourage you from engaging with Me. 

And I am kind. Do you know how kind I am? I am more kind than the local candy shop owner with his great big smile, giving samples away to the children. I am kinder than that. I am more kind than the grocery store employee who carries bags to the car for elderly ladies. I am kinder than that. And I am more kind that those who rescue puppies and kittens or wildlife animals from their distress. I am even kinder than those who rescue humans! Though they all reflect My great kindness! I am so kind that you can't measure My kindness. It is eternal and unstoppable. And you can not convince Me not to be kind because kindness is My nature. I am love. And love is kind. So I AM KIND. That is who I am. 

Think on these things today, darling. I will tell you more tomorrow. There is much to tell you about Myself. And I want to reveal all of Myself to you. Remember, My Word describes Me perfectly. Will you let Me make it personal?

I love you, 
Abba, Daddy

photo credit: http://clipart-library.com/


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