Trust Me As I Wrap Your Gifts

Look not on what your eyes can see,
based only on your own understanding.
Don't worry if things just don't 'look right.'
I don't always appear so proper.
I don't concern myself with pleasing every onlooker.

I do what I do for reasons you don't see.
So trust Me when I say
that you're just going to have to lean into Me.
I must not give all My surprises away!

For I'm working this out in ways you can't imagine.
Don't you believe I can do it?
That My hand is strong enough and My love is so certain?

I'm not going to let you see it all yet.
Like a father wrapping gifts, 
I'm secretly preparing,
secretly tucking them away 
until the moment is set.

So, see, it's not that I'm not working.
Oh darling, you have no idea!
I've been a busy beaver 
setting things in motion 
even preparing your promotion!
I'm just not announcing every step and each decision.
But that's what Daddy's do when they want to surprise their children!
They don't keep secrets to torture them,
they keep secrets to give them the most elation!


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