Playing Hide and Seek

My oldest daughter, Bryana, told me about a dream she had recently. She said, "Mom, I had this weird dream that I saw two huge spiders on the wall -- like big, scary ones you'd see in Australia. I was calling to you to help me, but for some reason you didn't come and you didn't even answer. I looked over at Makenna (her sister) and she told me that you couldn't answer me because you were right in the middle of a game of hide and seek and you were really serious about it. You were so serious about staying hidden that you never came and never answered.  Weird dream, huh?"

I chuckled and said, "Wow, honey. That is an odd dream," But deep in my heart, I could hear the Lord saying, "Pay attention." I knew then it was not just an odd dream to throw away too quickly. There was something the Lord was trying to communicate to me, unbeknownst to my daughter. 

Holy Spirit began walking me through it a little, highlighting the fact that I was playing hide and seek in the dream. I was hiding. I felt Him saying, "This is your current situation, Valerie." I knew it. I knew it exactly. He was right (as always). And just like in the dream, I have been very serious about it. I have been very serious about hiding. See, when you are serious about hiding, you make a conscious effort not to call attention to yourself. You stay out of sight. You make absolutely zero sound. You become as part of the environment like a chameleon. You are as still as a piece of furniture. You are as if you are not even there at all. 

The Lord continued to unfold it to me..."Look what happens when you can't help." Yep, He was right again. In the dream, I was probably acutely aware that my assistance was needed. And because it was my daughter, it probably took everything in me to hold myself back to come and help because, in reality, I would do anything for my daughters. I would never hesitate. I would never not come.

But in the dream, I had to make a choice in that moment: Was it worth giving myself away to help the one I love? I'm so sad that in the dream, I never came. That part just breaks my heart. Apparently, it was more important to me to stay hidden than tackle these creatures that were terrifying my baby girl.


Jesus said, "Let your light shine." He didn't say, "Create the light." He said, "Let it shine." (Don't cover it. Don't hinder it from doing what it is supposed to do.) 

We know lightbulbs and candles exist for the purpose of giving us light. It's what they are created to do. But if I throw a dark blanket over my lamp, I'm keeping it from shining and ever helping anyone. And unless someone suspects that there's a lamp under that blanket, they will most likely walk by and never know that there's a light shining under there that can help them. 

We, as Christians, are lamps in the night, candles in the dark. We are a light source for a dying world that is walking around with their arms out saying, "Someone help me. I can't see." But many of us, including myself, are playing a good ol' fashion game of hide and seek. We have completely hidden ourselves away and are pretty darn serious about it. So serious that even if we hear cries for help from the ones we love, we will fight the urge to come out of hiding. We do everything we can to keep our light from shining.

BUT! The great thing about hide and seek is how easy it is to come out from our hiding spot. All it takes is a simple popping up and proclaiming, "Here I am!" In an instant, the light inside us fills the room. We don't have to make anything happen or manipulate it. Our only job in the process is this: 

Simply let it shine.

“Here’s another way to put it: You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We’re going public with this, as public as a city on a hill. If I make you light-bearers, you don’t think I’m going to hide you under a bucket, do you? I’m putting you on a light stand. Now that I’ve put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand—shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you’ll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5:14-16‬ ‭MSG‬‬


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