Pan For The Gold!

Pan for the gold! Pan for the treasure found in even open places! Out in the open! Sift through the junk and find the jewels among the dirt and rocks! You will find Me if you seek Me!

Why would I hide Myself when it is My good pleasure to make Myself known! But if it is hidden, it is only from those that refuse to look, listen, and learn. They have decided for themselves that there must not be anything worth even taking a glimpse at. Foolish! They think that My treasure is fools gold! They think that what I offer must be fake, false, misleading. Yet all the while they hold their own "treasure" (that is worth less than a pile of hay!) and say "Look what I found! Come and see the great mysteries of the earth! I have the answers!" They will see for themselves that those lies will never hold up. They will see clearly, though some too late.

So don't be deceived by counterfeit witchcraft! It is all a lie and an illusion that seeks to take you DOWN, never pull you up! Stop taking in the fake and come and receive the genuine!! Why have what is false when you can own the true treasure, the authentic gold! Why live as a pauper when I have already made you royalty through My Son?

*This blog is part of my “Speak, Lord” series. It’s meant to be taken from the angle of God directly talking to us. 

directly talking to us. 


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