
Clarity comes when things are washed. I walked around with smeared glasses for who knows how long yesterday. I didn't even realize I was looking through smudge-covered lenses until I looked at them more closely. 

Thankfully, the wet wipe I had handy to wipe them down did the trick. What a difference it made! I saw the whole world differently! Interestingly, my prescription didn't change, but removing the film made it seem like it did. Things were not covered over by a fog anymore.

In the same way, the eyes of my heart can see more clearly when the Holy Spirit washes away the 'film'. He shows me where I have been seeing things through smeared, dirty lenses. He removes deceptions and gives me clarity of mind to know what is right and what is skewed. 

The eyes of your spirit allow revelation-light to enter into your being. If your heart is unclouded, the light floods in! Matthew 6:22 TPT


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