
Hope is more important than you might think. It's the reason we do anything. It gets us out of bed in the morning. It gives us reason to get dressed and start the new day. It's living with the promise that God is on your side and has good things in store for you - today, tomorrow, and forever. It's what makes you burst with joy, even when your eyes don't see it yet. 

True hope is something that only Christians can possess, for Jesus is the only hope in this world. Everyone else living with 'hope' is really just wishing and 'hoping' that luck will be kind to them. This is why we don't bank on luck. We bank on hope, the PROMISE of good things to come. 

Hope says that the season MUST change, for nothing can stay the same forever. Hope keeps us from getting stagnant in the same old place. It gives us reason to look out the window and EXPECT new things to come down the pike -- like a person waiting to receive a package she knows is on its way, for the promise of delivery has been verified.

KEEP HOPING. Don't accept a stagnant life or settle for a lesser one! Keep looking at Him, the One who DELIVERS the package. For He is the Deliverer!


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