Clear Thinking

I tell you, there is nothing more precious than to sit at my feet and listen. There is much to take in, much to tell you! Let your ears tune in continuously to My voice. Look for My wisdom at every turn and in every corner of your life. 

When you listen, it gives clarity to your sight, for what you hear directly affects your sight. Those that listen to dark words that lack wisdom are never clear about anything. They walk around as if blind, not knowing or discerning what is good and right or evil and harmful. 

My light is in My voice, so My voice lights up your soul. I will always bring clarity. If there is any confusion about what you think I'm saying, come back to Me and let Me sort through your thinking. Anything that is not of the light will be flushed out. 

*This blog is part of my “Speak, Lord” series. It’s meant to be taken from the angle of God directly talking to us.


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