A Royal Flush

Open up, Oh door!
Let the King of Glory in!
We welcome you, Oh Lord!
You are GREAT!
And your Kingdom has no end!

You come to make things better.
You come to make them new!
You flush away the things not good, 
the things that aren't of You.

You wash and cleanse
all nooks and crannies,
the closets filled  
with all things slimy.
You're not afraid to see inside,
to expose it all 
with Your great light!
And with that light it's washed away -- 
the grime, the pain, the angst of days. 

Your purpose is not 
to come and steal.
NO! You come as Healer,
You get us looking deep inside
that we might see our sin and pride.
But, You don't let us linger there. 
NO! You scoop us out!
Wind hits our hair!
We fly up and toward 
the sky with You!
Forgiveness makes things all brand new!
All glory to You, God!
All glory, all glory
all glory to You!
Come flush our hearts and make us new!

photo: freepik.com



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