The Stuck-in-the-Box Box

Open up to see a world full of ME.

IMAGINE it for just a moment,
imagine life
touched by light.
Imagine your day
no longer dark, but bright.
Imagine a world full of ME.

How would you pray differently?
How would you perceive things?
Monday through Friday would look 
upside-down completely!
And this is what I'm saying!
I'm giving you new glasses
to see the world rightly!
With Me!

Let me tell you a story 
about a boy who lived stuck.
He never saw himself get out of it.
So, there he stayed

But, then one day
he heard of a solution
that could pull him right out!
At first, he didn't believe it.
How could anything change?
Who could possibly turn things about?

But the news came again
and his hope grew stronger.
Maybe, just maybe
he could be unstuck forever!

"Oh imagine!"  he thought.
So, be began to think 
outside the box --
the box that made him stuck,
his stuck-in-the box box.

So he began to pray,
"Oh Lord, I know I've been stuck here
for years, months and days,
but if you are willing,
pull me out of this fray!"

And suddenly, a hand
out of nowhere it seemed,
reached into the box
and pulled him out rather quickly!

The man was elated!
He could hardly believe
how swiftly his deliverance
how fast the turn-around seemed!

He stood to his feet
and looked down at the box--
The stuck-in-the-box box
that held him captive in his thoughts.

"I will never go back,"
he said to himself.
"for here I am, free!
I will never get stuck,
no box can now hold me."

And the man skipped away
hand-in-hand with his Friend --
the Friend who pulled him out,
the Friend who changed 
his whole story's end!

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