Write What You See

Capture the portrait, the picture.

Describe what you see, for this is your destiny.

Don't add. Don't delete. For the picture is perfect, indeed!

The only thing for you to do is look, watch, see!

Write it down, clear as day. Tell the world what's on display!

No need to try to be so clever. I'm clever enough, My dear.

All you need is your pen to write each letter. 

I'm not asking you to be anything, just the vessel that you are.

I'm not putting my thumb of pressure on you, I'm not forcing you to be in charge.

I'm only asking that you open your heart, 

for there I will fill it -- every inch, every part.

I will flood you with My presence, My ideas, and revelation.

You won't believe your eyes, there will be SO MUCH dictation!

haha! And yes, My love, don't forget to laugh.

For these are days of plunder and joy. These are days that I've saved for last!

(The BEST wine is served last!)


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