Voices in the Land!

I am awakened by the sound of many voices!! Who is calling to Me? Who is calling Me in the dead of night, in the darkest shadows, in the depths of despair? I can hear their voices, though it would seem tiny and weak to some. I hear them as clear as a bell ringing in My ear! 

I am not looking for a mighty man. I am looking for hearts that hear Me and are tender toward Me. I am looking for those who will line up with My heart, line up with My will. 

And I will not be silenced! Who are you to try to cover the mouth of God!? Who are you to think you are so wise and so strong and so clever that you can shut My mouth? I will not be silenced! I will not be pushed off, mocked, or silenced. I will not let My people be run over! And isn't that what is happening? The enemy drives back the people of God. But I tell you now that their voices are a thunder in My ear! And they will be the voice that is heard throughout the land!! For I will take My people and will make them not only heard but respected. I will push them forward with great force- a chorus of one voice heard from sea to shining sea. And they will be as a beacon, a light, a driving force. They will be who people will turn to and listen to and want to know what they think. They will be as the wise men that came and sought Me...kings will want to know what they think! 

So you who are little now will not be so little anymore. Those who sit in the back row will be brought forward and heard. Those that think they have just a few loaves and fish will be the ones the 'adults' turn to and say, "Hey, this fellow over here has something to give." And they will be amazed what I can do with the humble that are willing to give and serve. 

I'm marking My people. They are marked. They are branded by My Spirit. And all will know, like I know, who belongs to Me. They will declare it, for they are called by MY NAME. 

Oh beautiful Bride! You are mighty. Take your place in the land. Take your place that all those who see you will know that I am God and there is no other!

*This blog is part of my “Speak, Lord” series. It’s meant to be taken from the angle of God directly talking to us. 

**It is also part of my "Today's Bread" series... thoughts for Today.


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