Whistle While You Work!

Mary Poppins had it right. "In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun. You find the fun, and snap! The job's a game!" She had a way of showing those kids that anything on their to-do list can either be seen as a job or a game. We can either have fun with our tasks or reluctantly push ourselves through it.

Many of us could benefit from listening to her words of encouragement. We have trouble coupling the words FUN and WORK together. Now, I don't mean we don't take our work seriously. I don't want my dentist to think that he doesn't have to focus on his job as he's drilling into my tooth. What I mean is, we can be joyful in our hearts even as we go about our serious work.

I think God loves putting words like FUN, LAUGHTER, SMILES, and HUMOR with words like WORK, JOB, and PRODUCTIVITY. Don't you think God has fun as He works? I do! I mean, how can the source of all JOY not be JOYFUL in all He does? I can only imagine the excitement in His heart when He made Creation! I bet the Godhead had a blast as they made the sky and the sea and the galaxies and all the cool animals and especially Adam and Eve! They did it and had FUN! Imagine that?? It was definitely not just 'another day at the office'! They were Days that were probably filled with Laughter and Joy!

Some of us have forgotten how to 'whistle while we work' and smile throughout the day. Everything is a chore. Everything is laborious. Everything is work, work, work and a let's-just-get-to-Friday-already outlook. But life does not have to be lived like that. And God would love to change that outlook if you let Him!

See, because of Sin coming into the world, work has become a joyless pit for many. Maybe that's why we call it a JOB. Just change the O to a long vowel and you're describing a man that went through a miserable season! But because of Jesus, we can have a completely renewed outlook! It's no longer just 'another day, another dollar'. Now, with Him, we have eternal purpose as we step foot into any place of employment. It can be a high paying or low paying job. It doesn't matter. We no longer work for a paycheck. We work for the King and with the King. On earth, they may call you a cashier, but in Heaven they call you a Child of God. Your job description on earth may be checking out groceries, but your job description in Heaven is being the Aroma of Christ. I like to see us as being like superheroes. We are average people in this world, but our true identities are out of this world!

If your life has been reduced to 9 to 5 living with everyday being a joyless struggle, then it's time for you to start asking God to change your perspective. God wants to make everyday for you exciting because when we walk with Jesus He makes things exciting! He can turn your monotonous job into a joyful task - not because the task changed, but because you have changed. And look out, because Joy is more contagious than the common cold. Because you are welcoming Joy, your workplace atmosphere will start to change. Your co-workers will start to wonder why in the world you are so chipper. They may even find themselves hungry and thirsty for what you have and will want to 'taste and see that the Lord is Good' too!

So go! Do your job! And take Jesus (and all of His JOY, FUN, LAUGHTER, SMILES AND HUMOR) with you and

ENJOY your day!!



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