Watch As I Deliver You!

This is a raw entry from my time with the Lord this morning, the early hours before the sun even started to rise. God loves to give downloads before the day even begins (or metaphorically speaking, before things happen) so that when things happen, we will remember Him. 

This is a 'current events' entry, meaning this is a sound off of what is currently happening in the world. Again it is a Speak, Lord entry also so it is written from the perspective of God speaking to us. I try to capture His voice and write what I think He is saying. As usual, He is always so encouraging and His words infuse faith, hope and love.


Open up to a brand new you! Free from parasites and things that subdue. Things that pull down, suck out, drain life. Those things are getting washed in the brilliance of my light! 

So just watch as I come and display My great power. It will be more than you expected in this day, in this hour. You thought, you hoped, for a strong turnaround, but I tell you today that what you'll see is a display! 

So hold on and watch and like the Red Sea was parted, so I will amaze you with what's about to be imparted. I'm going to give you the 'riches of Egypt' for they have stolen and have stripped you-- your very fabric. They have taken all your gold, your resources and talent and made them theirs as if they owned them, but they are rabid!  They are deranged to think that they can steal from My treasures. They are delusional, insane -- they have no sense within them!

SO take what is given,
watch as it floats 
down the river, 
through the ocean, 
it will come up on your ports!
The riches, the gold 
will come up before you
it will be easy to grab them 
for I have delivered you!

I know it is hard to imagine such things
but I am telling you this --
WATCH what is happening!
It won't be a coincidence when things start turning!

And when they do
the God who sets free and delivers you
from every evil bond!
For this has been a battle of the ages, for sure.
A battle that could only be fought 
with a heavenly sword!
So, remember your Maker
as the tide turns and things change.
Remember Me, darling.
Let our First Love remain.

They did not conquer the land with their swords; it was not their own strong arm that gave them victory. It was your right hand and strong arm and the blinding light from your face that helped them, for you loved them.

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭44‬:‭3‬ ‭NLT‬‬



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