Days of Thunder

Days of Thunder are at your door. When the lion will roar. It's not about making things simple and sweet. It's about uprooting things that steal and cheat! So hold onto your hats! It's going to get windy! Stay in the shadow of the Almighty. Don't fear or fuss, there's nothing that will harm you. In Me you will prosper, so rest in My shelter. 

AND WATCH! WATCH how I uproot them with fiery. They will not see it coming as I expose all their doings! The masses will awaken. The people will finally see that what they were living was more like a movie. They were given a mirage of things to focus on. But all those things are about to melt upon the actors in place who keep the lie spinning. But no more! NO MORE! For I am coming! I am coming! 


Sing praises to God, our strength. Sing to the God of Jacob. Sing! Beat the tambourine. Play the sweet lyre and the harp. Blow the ram’s horn at new moon, and again at full moon to call a festival! For this is required by the decrees of Israel; it is a regulation of the God of Jacob. He made it a law for Israel when he attacked Egypt to set us free.

 I heard an unknown voice say, “Now I will take the load from your shoulders; I will free your hands from their heavy tasks. You cried to me in trouble, and I saved you; I answered out of the thundercloud and tested your faith when there was no water at Meribah. Interlude

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭81‬:‭1‬-‭7‬ ‭NLT‬‬

*This is written from the perspective of God speaking to us. I put it under the label "Speak Lord". When I sit down to talk to God, I try to capture His thoughts by writing them down as I hear them. 


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