
Have hope for things unfinished. Things still unresolved. Things still to be completed. Have hope. For things are not yet finished! Things are not yet resolved! Thinks are still to be completed! 

Why give up on something simply because it is half done? Does a chef shut off his stove half way through cooking a meal, throw up his arms and walk away? How ridiculous! His meal is still in process! His meal is on its way! If he walks away now he will never know what it will become! He understands the time it will take. He understands there is a process. 

And so don't walk away. Don't give up on plans that are half done, things that are half-baked. Don't say to yourself, "I am not seeing the finish line, so I'm walking away." Darling! Give it the time it needs! Even as mothers must wait for their children to grow in their bellies. They endure the process until the baby is ready for delivery. So don't give up! Don't walk away. Your meal will soon be served. Your baby will soon be delivered!


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