Accepting the Truth

I, like so many other folks out there, have food allergies. Specifically gluten and dairy, both of which I love, but unfortunately they don't love me back. I remember the day I realized that so many of my health problems that I was having were related to what I was eating and that I was going to have to eliminate these foods from my diet. It was such a hard truth to face. But, at the same time it was a no-brainer because the alternative was to continue to live in agony. The decision to face the truth and embrace it changed everything and I have no regrets.

Well, this year I have new truths I realize I need to face. I have started to look even closer at what ingredients are in our foods and the chemicals in our everyday products like soap and body wash and toothpaste... Though I have always known that some brands are healthier than others, I have recently discovered that some are simply downright hazardous. Literally. I began to use an app that will scan a product and tell you how it rates on safety and health. It lists out the additives for you and literally some are listed as hazardous. excuse me??? Hazardous should never be used to describe something we are putting in or on our bodies. wow. 

What's hard, though, is I'm scanning some of my personal go-to products and have discovered that some of them contain hazardous additives. Oh no!

So, now I have to face a decision. 

Do I really love that almond milk so much that I'm willing to consume some hazardous additive? Is it really worth it to keep using the toothpaste that could actually be harming me? 

I have a choice to accept the truth and act on it or simply ignore it, like I never saw it.

Truth can be both harsh and freeing. It just is. If you're used to living a lie and you've grown comfortable with that lie, truth can come into your life like some kind of rude intruder. We don't like. It's not comfortable. But truth forces us to make a choice. Do we want to continue to live in a matrix reality (not actual and true) or live where all things are good and true, with no deception?

If TRUTH is knocking at your door, let me encourage you to open to it. Yes, it might not be what you want to see, but in the end, truth is always better than a lie, no matter how hard it is to face.


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