The NEW Season!

Joy is the portion set aside for you. Rivers of it! Oh darling! Rivers of living water poured over you and your children, from your head to your feet! You will taste and see that the Lord is GOOD! You will not be able to even 'wrap your head around it' it will be so good. 

It will be like a bride on her wedding day. She is adorned in beauty. She is beaming with excitement! She is ready and waiting to GO! She is READY! She is READY! And the JOY of the Lord fills her from head to toe! A mighty wave of Joy from head to toe! It is astonishing to witness! It is exhilarating! She is mighty and she wars not with her own hands, but by the Sword of the Spirit in her hands! hahaha! She is fit for battle and fit for her King all at the same time! She is both warrior and bride... Her beauty terrifies her enemies, the ones that have tried to hold her hostage. But she has broken loose and will no longer allow his heavy hand to hold her down, for she knows who she is and who she loves! hahaha! This is a beautiful thing! When the Bride steps into her splendor!

So take nothing with you on this journey. Only Me. Don't worry about provision. It is not for you to be concerned with. I'll say it twice: IT IS NOT FOR YOU TO BE CONCERNED WITH. I have sent My angels ahead of you like preparers of a feast. And they have laid it all out for you. You will be amazed how things will come together as if on their own! You will walk into a room and look around and say, "Why, the room is already prepared! I have nothing to set up. I only have to enter and participate!" YES YES, Darling! You are hearing me correctly! You will not have to set up even one chair, one item of silverware, one grape, or drink. It will be fully prepared. LISTEN to Me. It will be done. It will be prepared. SO REST. REST my sweet darling and let these words sink in. You will not have to come up with anything in your own head. You will not have to make it happen. For I am with you and go before you and do the heavy lifting. You will be as one of the guests. Though you will be throwing the party, you will feel as if you have also been invited and are there to receive like everyone else.

Do you see what I'm doing? I'm not asking you to labor. I'm inviting you to come! I'm inviting you to join in! I'm inviting you to relax and ENJOY the party! Do you see, My sweet one? Do you see? I have set it up. I have brought the entertainment. I have laid out the food. I have even escorted you to the event with My very own angel Servants, my Messengers.

So stop putting so much pressure on yourself. I know that is the lifestyle you are used to... work work, pressure pressure. DARLING! I have not made you to be a dwarf in Snow White! I have made you to be a songbird! A bird that flies in in all its beauty and sings the song of the Kingdom she belongs to. She carries the tune she heard from the Kingdom she has just flown in from... like a visitor from another land, bringing the song of its Kingdom.

So REJOICE! Your Day has dawned!


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