Look Up with Hope!

It all starts now, my baby darling!

How high can I throw you? How far can I reach?
I don't move and forget all the things you have asked Me.
I give you My plans that come with all the blessings!

I know you are worried, and that you can give Me.
That's one of the things that you won't be needing.
See, I've fixed things up just right, just right.
I'm making things delightful! I'm making them bright!

You know, my darling, that no journey is ever started
without sorting through your things, packing only what is needed.
And so I am packing you up and showing you what is necessary.
The rest you can leave. The rest is just weight. Take only the simple. 
Take only the extraordinary.

The enemy wants you worried. The enemy wants you fearful.
He doesn't want to let you see that I'm in the midst of even the dreadful.
I'm making things BEAUTIFUL! Don't get distracted by the thorns and dirt.
Your flower is pushing through the mud, moving past the things that hurt. 

The devil says, "Look over here! See how I am swallowing your children!?"
But what he doesn't know is that soon they'll swallow him!!
He has overplayed his hand, that's all he knows to do.
And so, my dear, just watch and see how I turn the tide and turn him into stew!

Yes, just like Caleb, you can say it too! "They are food for us! Those giants aren't a problem. But they best watch out, for God's in town, and He's going to bring those ogres straight down to the ground!"

Oh YES! God laughs! For He know who wins! He knows that the enemy will soon NEVER play again! God has the final play, final say, final chuckle for He knows how to change the scoreboard. He knows how to give victory to those who struggle!

So don't despair! Look up! Look up! Your deliverer has come and will pay you double! Double for the trouble! YES! DOUBLE for ALL YOUR TROUBLE. hahaha!


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