Saturated By Goodness!

Rise up, oh warrior and take your place! It is not time for slumber, but time for war! This is not a day of silence, it is a day to roar! 

The roar of the Lord will fill the land from sea to shining sea. And I will have My voice heard! For great is the need for the voice of truth to be heard! 

I will rock this boat, this nation. I will rock her. For she is meant for greater things! She is a fire for Me! She is a land that I will build a most beautiful garden in! JUST WATCH! What everyone thought was tragedy will turn into a beautiful story that no one can match! It WILL have a surprise ending, for that is My plan! I want to surprise My people with My goodness! It will flow like milk and honey! It will flow and NOT STOP! haha! I will pour and pour and pour Myself out on this land until it is saturated, penetrated to the very core! It will be fully satisfied. I, the Lord, come in like a flood!


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