Rescuing the Trafficked

The earth shakes! The mountains tremble! For the Lord God of hosts and heaven is on the move with a hope that's palpable, tangible!

He's moving swiftly! Here He comes! A man on a mission, with eyes of fire -- like the sun!

He can't hold back His passion. His heart is beating faster! Each step He takes makes the ground quake and shake! He's not afraid to rescue and come after

the souls that have cried... so many tears in their eyes! They have soaked their beds crying for freedom! He has heard them clearly! He knows each by name! He's moving toward them now, He is coming to win them and remove their shame!

He can NOT look away! He can NOT just 'let it go'! He is fired up! He's like a bomb that's ready to EXPLODE!

He's taking no prisoners. He's not taking bribes! All He is after is the ones who have cried... cried out for His mercy, cried out for His rescue. And NOW they will see it! They'll KNOW it, for sure! For the Lord God is COMING, and He will not fail them! 

He will not fail you, my dears!


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