
Open up to Me even as you feel the fear surround you and close in on you. Keep listening for Me. Relax your heart to receive My instruction and wisdom, instead of closing up and leaning on your own understanding. 

Remember - I am your Great Deliverer! And I will be the One to set you high above the waves that crash on the rocks below! Don't look to the left or to the right. Look straight up to see Me standing with My arms open, ready to take on every battle you face. For I am on your side. I am on your team. And I will not forsake you in times of hardship or life-threatening scenarios. I have never abandoned you and I never will. 

So don't look around and wonder where your salvation will come from. I am the Savior. I will always be your Savior in every situation. Count on Me to make things happen. You can bank on it. I dare you to trust Me! 

So you can take this to the bank - I am making a way in the desert! I am making a way out of this! And I will bring you into your land of milk and honey. Stand and watch the salvation of the Lord!

*This blog is part of my “Speak, Lord” series. It’s meant to be taken from the angle of God directly talking to us.


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