The Great Revealing

You're coming into a time where I Am going to reveal Myself in fantastic, marvelous ways. I am SO excited for this next season because this is actually a season I have been longing for for ages. I have desired to show Myself to this world, and I now I will. I will not hide and be discrete. Just as there were times I told parables to hide the treasures but then other times I made Myself very known by signs and wonders, so it will be in this coming age. It will be an era of wonders and signs. Wonders in the heavens. Wonders in the earth. People will notice that something strange is happening. People that don't know Me will start to question if there really is 'someone behind the curtain'. They will want Me to pull back the veil and show Myself because they will be so curious to what they are experiencing. The news will never be the same. It will become the new thing...people will turn on their televisions just to hear what new thing happened in the earth or in the heavens. I won't hold Myself back. I will make it plain and even My people will be completely astonished as to what I have decided to do in this last stroke of midnight to win people over. My people will be just as astonished as anyone else because they will see just how powerful I Am and just how REAL I Am! WATCH for ME! WAIT for ME! Listen and be ready for what I'm about to drop. Prepare yourself to be completely mind blown because that is the kind of God I Am! The God of WONDERS!!!!!!

*This blog is part of my “Speak Lord” series. It’s meant to be taken from the angle of God directly talking to us. 


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