
Don't over-think things. It's like working a computer beyond what it can process - asking it to change things it can't. 

Always be ready to take charge of your thoughts. If you let them, they will run a whole movie in your head, creating its own plot and even schemes against you. It will make up pretend stories and put you in the center as either the villain or the victim. Or it will take you the other way and puff you up to make you prideful in your own works. 

Humbly live in the story that exists between you and Jesus. 
That's the only story that needs to revolve in your thoughts. 
He is the Hero, you are the Beloved. He fights all your battles and wins every time! 
What better movie is there?? Hahaha!

*This blog is part of my “Speak Lord” series. It’s meant to be taken from the angle of God directly talking to us. 


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