Greater Things

A man prayed to God and said, "God, I am ready to do your work. Take me to the front lines! I am ready to do great things!"

Pleased with the man's zeal, God replied, "Go to the widow and make her a meal."

The man was confused. "Lord, I am ready for greater things than cooking soup. Lead me on!"

The Lord replied, "When you are done with the meal, go and help your brother in his rice fields and do not ask to be paid.

The man said urgently, "God. I am a warrior for you. I have graduated from all such mundane things.  I am ready for greater things!"

The Lord looked lovingly at the man and said, "These are greater things, son. If you love Me, you will love others. And, as you love others, you will be loving Me. These, indeed, are among the greater things."


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