So, who are you, really?

It's easy to compare.

Actually, it's supposed to represent.  Our earthly father to our Heavenly Father.  Our earthly husband to our Heavenly Groom.  It's meant to be a picture.  It's meant to bring us closer to Him and help us see who He is.

But, our human dysfunction can cloud it.  It can confuse.  It misrepresents.  Those relationships that do not even come close to showing us the Love of God.  Fathers that have hurt us.  Husbands that disappoint. 

When we come into right relationship with God, many of us transfer our ideas of what we think a father and a husband are onto God.  We might conclude that God must be continuously disappointed in us because that is how our earthly fathers have been toward us.  We might think that it's not safe to be vulnerable with our Groom because we feel that way with our earthly husbands.

We have to get one thing straight. 

Our fathers and our husbands are not God.  God is who He is.  We can not define Him by our own ideas of who we think He is.  Instead, we have to come to Him and ask Him to show us who He is.  We have to let Him renew our minds -- 'get our heads on straight', so to speak.

And here is what many of us find out through His Word:  
God is Love.  God is slow to anger.  God is patient with even the most rebellious child.  God is Lover of our Souls.  God will never abandon us.  God has a great plan for our lives.  God sees and understands us deeply without us even explaining ourselves.  God cherishes us.  God is forgiving.  God has a sense of humor.  God is generous and lavishes.  God cheers for us and sings over us.  God is an optimist.  God has our backs.  God is gentle with the broken hearted.  God doesn't mince words.  God doesn't lie.  God won't trick us.  God can take nothing and make something.  God can do anything.  God is not worried about things.  God is not dysfunctional.  God has a timing for things because He is making all things beautiful.  God is not a bully.  God is near.  God breathes Hope.  God cries with us.  God hides us and protects us.  God tucks us in at night, stays with us through the darkness, and welcomes us in the morning. God empowers.  God is for us.  God is not against us......




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