The Missing Piece

Can you see it? Can you see what's wrong with this puzzle? At first, you might miss it. At first, it might look complete. But if you look closer, if you zoom in, you'll see the missing piece. Such a small little piece, seemingly insignificant when by itself. But in the context of the whole picture, we feel its absence!

Some people feel like an “insignificant” puzzle piece. They don’t see their importance. They don’t see their beauty. They don’t see their uniqueness and how they have been crafted to fit into a uniquely shaped part of the whole picture. 

But oh, how important they are! How necessary each piece is!

Remember this on days when maybe you don’t see how your life counts, when it’s hard to see the big picture. You are unique and needed in this world. And when you’re not there, there’s a hole — a hole that no other puzzle piece can fill but you!


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