Fresh Air

Open up the doors and windows,
the blinds and curtains!
Open up the places that have lied dormant for ages!
Open wide the windows and smell the fresh air!
Oh, let go of the dead, 
stale midst 
you consume unaware.

Now, breathe in, breathe out.
Take it all in and learn 
learn what it's about.
The revelation that's swirling in the fresh air that flows. 
The love and the clarity that fills your dry nose.

No more nights filled with toxins you breathe in like it's nothing.
You have no idea what it's doing, you have no idea what is happening.
But fresh air will cleanse you and give you clear sight.
You will suddenly know what is wrong, what is right.

So choose to move out of this space that's like death!
Don't breathe in or take in another second of that!!
Get out and get free. It's your choice, you see!
Grab the door knob and open 
to beautiful places with Me!

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