Stop all your reasoning. Stop the clatter. Stop the things that just make you crazy, for they do not bring life to you, it's a simple matter. Stop the silliness of walking away, closing your eyes, thinking you'll come back maybe another day. Stop the things that make you frown or angry or vexed or uneasy. These things don't serve you, they only steal away the life I give you. 

I'm making things fun! I'm making things enjoyable! I want you to enjoy life! For this is part of the blessing that is found in the Father! Don't be so uneasy as He carries you around, as if He expects so much from you, darling. No, He is the One who is turning your frown upside-down! 

He's making things lovely. He's making a way! He's letting you see the path under the Red Sea and leading you on in a marvelous way today! It's beautiful! So don't miss it! Don't be so anxious that you don't take in the view! TAKE IT ALL IN, MY LOVE! For this is the blessing that is being poured out for YOU! This is the fruit of your prayers and My faithfulness! This is the reaping that has come from your time in the wilderness. This is the result of tears that have fallen. This is the answer to prayers you have given! This is what it's like to be on the side of winning. This is what it looks like to have the upper hand and the sword of offense in the land of the living! This is what it looks like when you believe Me and My word. This is what you reap when you believe Me and stay with Me to the very end. This is it, My Love! Your fortunes foretold, My Word is My Word!

So don't think that the future will look like the past! This is a new day with a new sword, a new picture that's bright with a light that will last! 


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